Saturday, March 21, 2009

It's A Matter Of The Heart

Lately, there has been talk about our Presidents faux pas on the Leno show last week when he used the Special Olympics as the butt of a joke. It was very distasteful and uncalled for by anyone, especially by a sitting President who is highly educated and a very visible personality who you would think would be well versed in topics to avoid in public speaking.

Mr. Obamas unfortunate slip of the tongue has surprised a lot of people, as it was unexpected from such an educated man. But if you stop and think about the number of times that comments like this have been made and by whom, I think one could conclude that education level doesn't have a lot to do with offensive speech; however, the heart attitude of a man does.

For example, a person can be educated to the differences of people and the sensitivities of different groups and that will increase awareness and understanding but may not have a lot of influence over how a person views the world and people. This is because how a person views the world and people around them is not only learned from books, but also by watching, by experiencing and by learning from those around us.

So in our attempt to "change the world" and the habits of offensive speech, education is only part of the answer as Mr. Obama has shown us earlier this week. A change of heart may be in order for us to see a permanent change.

"....for his mouth speaks from that which fill his heart." Luke 6:45b


Cathy said...

Well said...and thanks for the Bible reference...I'm going to go mark that one.

Brandie said...

Soo true!

Monica said...


Jeanette said...

I think this is an opportunity for Prez Obama to be humbled and think before he speaks. He has been made aware of a group of people that he probably hasn't given much thought to. I hope he takes this opportunity to have a change of heart.

Becca said...

Well said, Jay!

Tausha said...

Wow, what you said gave me the chills. You are so correct in your insight of the whole situation. I hope you sent that to him on the White House web site. You are awesome!!!